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Monday, April 28, 2008

Php Httpredirects



class CDWHttpFile


/* $strLocation - URL of the last web page retreived (could be different

from what was requiested in case of HTTP redirect.) */

var $strLocation;

var $aHeaderLines; // headers of last web page

var $strFile; // last web page retreived

/* $bResult - contains true if last web page was

retrieved successfully, false otherwise. */

var $bResult;

/* ReadHttpFile - the function that does all the work.

$strUrl - URL of the page we want to get.

$iHttpRedirectMaxRecursiveCalls - maximum number of

times following HTTP redirection. */

function ReadHttpFile($strUrl, $iHttpRedirectMaxRecursiveCalls = 20)


// parsing the url getting web server name/IP, path and port.

$url = parse_url($strUrl);

// setting path to "/" if not present in $strUrl

if (isset($url["path"]) == false) $url["path"] = "/";

// setting port to default HTTP server port 80

if (isset($url["port"]) == false) $url["port"] = 80;

// connecting to the server

$fp = fsockopen ($url["host"], $url["port"], $errno, $errstr, 30);

// reseting class data

$this->bResult = false;



$this->strLocation = $strUrl;

/* Return if the socket was not open $this->bResult is set to false. */

if (!$fp)




// composing HTTP request

$strQuery = "GET ".$url["path"];

if (isset($url["query"]) == true) $strQuery .= "?".$url["query"];

$strQuery .= " HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n";

// sending the request to the server

fputs($fp, $strQuery);

/* $bHeader is set to true while we receive the HTTP header

and after the empty line (end of HTTP header) it's set to false. */

$bHeader = true;

// continuing untill there's no more text to read from the socket

while (!feof($fp))


/* reading a line of text from the socket

not more than 8192 symbols. */

$strLine = fgets($fp, 8192);

// removing trailing \n and \r characters.

$strLine = ereg_replace("[\r\n]", "", $strLine);

if ($bHeader == false)

$this->strFile .= $strLine."\n";


$this->aHeaderLines[] = trim($strLine);

if (strlen($strLine) == 0) $bHeader = false;


fclose ($fp);


/* Processing all HTTP header lines and checking for

HTTP redirect directive 'Location:'. */

for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->aHeaderLines); $i++)

if (strcasecmp(substr($this->aHeaderLines[$i], 0, 9), "Location:") == 0)


$url = trim(substr($this->aHeaderLines[$i], 9));

// $url now is the URL of the web page we are relocated to

// If $url is the same page we are requesting, just continue

if ($url != $strUrl)


/* If the maximum number of redirects is reached,

just return. $this->bResult is set to false. */

if ($iHttpRedirectMaxRecursiveCalls == 0) return;

/* Calling the function recursively with the new URL

and the maximum number of redirections reduced by one. */

return $this->ReadHttpFile(





/* We should get here if there was no HTTP redirect directive found.

Setting $this->bResult to true. Web page was retreived successfully. */

$this->bResult = true;

/* If magic_quotes_runtime is enabled in php.ini, then all the quotes

in the received text will be prefixed with slashes. */

if (ini_get("magic_quotes_runtime"))


$this->strFile = stripslashes($this->strFile);

for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->aHeaderLines); $i++)

$this->aHeaderLines[$i] = stripslashes($this->aHeaderLines[$i]);



/* Just to make it easier to use this class, adding contructor

which accepts URL as a parameter and calls ReadHttpFile functions. */

function CDWHttpFile($strUrl = "")


if (strlen($strUrl) > 0)




$httpFile = new CDWHttpFile("http://localhost");

if ($httpFile->bResult == true)


echo "URL: $httpFile->strLocation <br>";

foreach($httpFile->aHeaderLines as $strHeaderLine)

echo "Header line: ".htmlspecialchars($strHeaderLine)."<br>";

//echo "Contents: <hr>".htmlspecialchars($httpFile->strFile)."<hr>";

preg_split("/<body>/ || /<\/body><\/html>/",$httpFile->strFile,3);

//echo htmlspecialchars($a[0]);




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